Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello world, I do exist on this blog. I figured since Heather has decided she likes using this blog format I might as well get started participating as well. The old site is still up, but the format is getting dated and some of the features here are pretty nice, so looks like we will be setting up shop over here. I hope to archive the old site in a way that everyone can have it, but not sure quite yet how I will do that.
Life has been pretty busy it seems, not just of late, but pretty much the whole year. That's how we keep me out of trouble though. This last weekend I enjoyed a short trip to photograph another Donny event, which I actually expect to be my last, at least for a long time. Things are winding down on that front and I am getting more and more out of the loop. In fact this last trip was more to help my friend with a project I passed over to him rather than tackle myself.I have been taking a fair amount of video lately along with a bit of sports photography during the football season. I am lucky enough to get sideline passes to the Ute games through my friend who's older brother is the head coach. I may be a BYU grad, but who can turn down sideline passes to any game?! My photos get little use, but the athletic department uses them for web postings and possible in future programs and such. I did have the opportunity to take photos at the 4A Football State Championship as I was hired by some parents to capture their kids in action. It was a fun event and one I would like to do more of in the future.
With all the video I have been taking of the family, I realized I haven't posted anything online; that is one reason I wanted to go over to this blog format because they already had the tools to embed video better than the old site. With that in mind, here are a couple of videos of Robyn, our resident video ham.
We have quickly discovered that Robyn is just like the other kids, spoiled by the instant gratification of the digital world. These kids haven't known anything but that. They all want to see themselves on the camera LCD the moment a picture is taken. Kinda funny, but it makes taking a quality video of her quite hard!
Robyn playing with Crystal
Robyn is infatuated with Allison's hamster Crystal. The only problem is that Robyn knows how to get Crystals cage open (very easily as the video shows) but is not too great about making sure Crystal gets back in before she loses interest. Right after I stopped this video Cyrstal showed me how she can easily jump off the counter to get to the floor. That must be a drop 30x her height onto hard floor, but she shook it off and proceeded to escape.
Not much else to say other than love you all and hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
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