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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Does 35 count as old?

Dear Family and Friends,

Late in the day with kids already snoring I find time to write. I don't think I do that much on Sundays but wow the time flies by especially when you're sucked into watching the super bowl and can't look away for the last half hour! Holy cow, even Spencer was entranced. We had Lauri over and Jason's family and my parents were here so it was a full house. I attempted to imitate Cafe Rio pork salads and we porked out and cheered everyone on. Kids ran a little rampant while Robyn alternated between crying, cuddling and finding mischief (she is having a sick day).

Monday I pulled Spencer and Allison out of school and we drove my parents down to the MTC. There isn't a big meeting like with the elders but we got to look around, see the room they were staying in and give Spencer and Allison a preview of the mission experience. Kids thought it was very cool until they recollected they would be having to do extra math homework to make-up for the time they missed at school. But a stop at Krispy Kremes on the way to school and they forgot all their whining.

The week was full of me trying unsuccessfully to clean up a bit. I would start on one room and then open a cupboard or drawer and gasp in horror and get sidetracked into cleaning little pockets of filth out. Of course I am sure they are already full of unmentionable stuff again but I am not going to check again for a while! I surreptiously cleaned out the dress ups one day and many suspiciously torn, dirty outfits are waiting in an unmarked bag to be taken to DI. Kids were ran to piano, swimming, gymnastics, karate, school and Allison thought I should start being called the driving mom. Taylor went in to have his daffos stretched out so they fit his bony feet better. Spencer received 2 red beads at pack meeting. I got jilted last minute for VT so I went out on my own - always a treat for me as I have the 2 neatest old ladies in our ward. Actually they would be shocked to be referred to as old as they definitely live young!

And then I had the most awesome birthday! I was starting to wonder if 35 was sounding a little old. I thought by now I would be a little more put together, little more polished, a little less flabby :) But this birthday really caused me to reflect on how spoiled and cared for I am. It amazes me when I realize how blessed and easy my life is when I think about what it could be like. Thursday night Jeremy manfully took over the witching hours of doing dinner and bed with kids and I went out to dinner with the RS presidency. I had the best pizza ever (Jeremy said it was a girly pizza but since I am a girl I guess it fits!) We went to the California pizza kitchen and I got this pear gorgonzolla pizza with this caesar salad on top. Really good! Then Friday my friend Brooke asked to take Robyn for the day so I had a day of freedom. Met some friends Angie and Brenda (my old neighbors) for Kneaders french toast and they gave me a really cute birthday cake. We visited and griped and were glad to be together for a while. Then I went shopping for a swimsuit for Hawaii, found an unfinished bookcase for Robyn's room and had a massage I got from Christmas. Rounded the afternoon off trolling the shelves at the library where I could actually stroll up and down the aisles looking for books. A neighbor mentioned the 7th son series by Orson Scott Card as the reason he joined the church so I am going to give those a try. And I rediscovered a series called Aunt Dimity that I used to love. So great afternoon.

That evening Spencer headed off to a friend's birthday party. I took the girls and picked up my parents from the MTC and then we came back to eat pizza watch American Idol and the Closer and eat cake. It was a great night. And friends and family kept calling or dropping by and just kept a smile on my face. My friends Kate and Allison gave me these leopard print and neon pink slippers with 3 inch soles on them. It made me laugh just to look at them although I need to practice being able to walk in them - I fell on the stairs on my first attempt.

Saturday I spent the day cooking two cakes and a salad for the dinner the stake was putting on for the bishops, wives and visiting authorities. Jeremy, and my Dad took Spencer and Allison and two of their friends up to the Point of the Mountain. Jeremy was excited to pull out the quad to give it a try and kids had fun despite the patches of dirt here and there. That night I helped set up the dinner and then we all went to the adult session and then stayed for a while doing dishes and eating left over cake. This morning my parents stayed with Robyn (sick) and Taylor (bad seizure) while the rest of us went to the general session of Stake Conference. Elder Hale spoke to us. Then Jeremy and my dad wrestled together a bookcase I had picked up for Lauri at Ikea. Spencer helped me take the bookcase over to Lauri along with a bunch of geneology stuff to put in the bookcase that she had been asking for. I found a photo album she had made with their family's pictures in it. Fun to see Jeremy at 8 with his dad.

Spencer had the ultimate field trip Friday and spent the day snow boarding with his class. He told me how it was much easier than he remembered. I have to see him actually do it as from just listening to him you would think he was amazing! But he had a great time and was very excited that he went down one hill with his board straight and then stopped at the bottom. He has become quite jittery lately with energy to spare. Between snowboarding and a birthday party Friday you think he would be wiped out. But he was up early and by 7:30 was playing the piano after taking Rocky for a walk, vacuming, organizing the shoes, setting the table and cleaning his room. Trust me we all knew he was awake and working as we futiley tried to sleep in. Can't be mad at him for doing the right thing though!

Allison has had the sniffles all week and seemd to have pass it on in a more serious form to Robyn. She just has that dry irritated throat cough that won't stop and a fever and is just plain miserable. Tylenol is wonderful though as she goes from all out misery to just whiney. Allison has pulled out the knitting needles and has been busy making doll blankets while my mom is around to show her how.

Taylor is having a tough time with his seizures. They are becoming increasingly of the grand mal variety and last for quite a while. Like how he was at Bear Lake for those who were there. So its time to change things around for him again. See how it goes. He has his school IEP this month and I am really debating the benefits of switching him to the all disabled school. I don't like the environment but I do think the care and attention would be better. Its a tough choice.

Love to you all, Heather

Not quite enough snow but all had a good time.

Jeremy, Daniel and my Dad changing a lightbulb. They waited for me to leave before attempting this - by chance? - I think not!

Allison's play date with 2 sisters Kayla and Katya

Spencer excited to get his beads. They were all moving around it was difficult to get any pictures in focus (and that wasn't just me as Jeremy was taking the pictures using my camera)

A cause for a mom happy dance this week. I finally made a loaf of bread that didn't look like someone sat on it. It rose puffy and delicious!

I took pictures of all my brothers at this map in the MTC so I had to repeat the experience with my parents.

Allison refining her knitting skills one last time before Grandma is gone.