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Dear Friends and Family,

Life with summer and kids has been busy this last week so I missed my Sunday post. Thought I better do a quick summary before taking off to Detroit! (my bags are packed and I am EXCITED!!).

Last week:
Had a family viewing of Lauri's body before it was cremated. Kids were very cute, even Robyn talking among themselves of how Lauri was in heaven and felt better now. Thought it might be a semi-creepy experience instead it was really neat and touching and a great thing for our kids. Lauri looked the most relaxed I had ever seen her and just very peaceful.

I LOVE scouts. Spencer spent Wednesday afternoon hiking Timp caves and came home tired and dirty and with a big smile. Went to scout camp all day Saturday and again came home tired and dirty and with an even bigger smile.

A week full of rain so instead of swimming we went to do our BYU tour. Went through the art museum first. Spencer was pulling an attitude until he started paying attention and realized there was an mp3 tour available. Then we had to literally drag him away. They had an exhibit by the guy who does the I spy books. Really interesting and kids were enthralled. Then we saw the modern art wing. An entire wall covered with packets of duck sauce. Didn't get it but kids thought it was so cool that this artist used only garbage in his works. Hit the creamery for ice cream and then the Bean museum for our fill of stuffed animals. Spencer was so mad at not seeing the rest of the art exhibits he stayed outside finishing up Harry Potter 5 and a little reading time and shade and he was his lovable self again.

Went to a wedding reception in gusty weather. Kids are wedding pros now and rush to get their duds on and get in the car so they can see the receving line quickly and head off for the treats. Meredith has taken them to many receptions now, brave woman so they are experts in comparing who has the best chocolate fountain and Robyn loves seeing the princess dresses.

Spent literally hours on the phone with Lauri's stuff. Who knew how many odds and ends there would be. Had a breakfast meeting with Jason and Kelly to divvy up the workload. Spent this last Monday cleaning out her condo. A little overwhelming but I keep reminding myself that it will eventually get done.

Laughed at our grocery shopping excursion - our weekly Friday event. Balloon lady was walking around which added to the festivities. Allison in front (with balloon) and her own grocery cart and list. Then Spencer with his balloon and cart and list. Then Robyn in one of those gigantic car carts with her balloon and various contraband that was not on the list but found their way into her cart. Then me and then Taylor in his wheelchair. I am not sure if people were shaking their heads at my foolishness or braveness. Kids have a great time. Spencer first off approaches the service desk to have them write exactly which aisle everything on his list could be found. Allison prefers the wonder aimlessly approach checking for any free samples as she goes. Allison congratulated me on our new record - only an hour and a half in the store! Figure they are working on their shopping skills and its air conditioned and counts as our fun activity for the day.

Had Jason's family over for dinner Sunday and did a wienie roast. Then we had cousins come over Tuesday night while Kelly and Jason went out for Jason's birthday. Kelly brought over lemon frosted cupcakes and they just tickled Taylor's funny bone. See the video below.

Saturday night Jeremy and I got my fill of cheesecake at the cheesecake factory and shopped for a new dress. David's shindig gave me a great excuse. Probably shouldn't be eating cheesecake as after running 5 miles Friday and then once cooled down being unable to walk I decided to give my plantar fasciitis a break. It hurts!!! So I am taping it, stretching it, icing it and wearing this ridiculous splint at night that by midnight I kick off in exasperation. I am hoping my foot just heals up and I can get back to normal living again. Plus I really miss my early morning rendezvous with my friend and the endorphin rush.

So live is good, busy and mostly happy. Lots of kids running around, or grumping around saying they are bored. Popsicle wrappers left dripping onto counters. Beds having accidents and needing to be washed (Robyn!). Hamster's ridiculously long nails having to be cut. Mulch spread through the rest of the backyard. Potatoes sprouting in the garden. Roses blooming everywhere and girls furiously hacking away at said roses for their own bouquets. Spencer doing the core workouts in the morning. New job charts that everyone loved for the first 10 minutes and then hated and now tolerate. Getting bed springs for Taylor so he has a normal size bed. It looks huge and he is quite confused about the new size. So normal, crazy sometimes life.

love to you all, Heather

I LOVE Taylor's laugh. Wish I heard it more often.

Spencer is trying to get abs and guns (his words). So core workouts every morning. Really funny to watch.

Robyn's idea of dressed for the day. She is starting to get the idea of "matching" things.