Dear Family and Friends,
This week seemed to fly by as everyone returned to their normal
schedules. Monday everyone had the day off. Jeremy spent the day
catching up on projects and his to do list and enjoyed a day of nothing
scheduled in his life. Kids helped clean up the Christmas decorations
and restore their rooms to some form of normalcy. I thought they would
want to spend the afternoon going miniature golfing as a family but
everyone begged to just have one more afternoon of freedom and friends
so that is what we did. I was amazed at the dust bunnies everywhere as
we put decorations away but now our house feels strangely empty as
everything is packed up.
Kids were excited about going back to school but getting back to normal
school sleep times meant a little more emotion and drama in our house
this week. Spencer must have set some New Year's goal as he was the
happy, get everything done without being asked one this week. It was
Robyn learned this week how to make an egg sandwich by herself. She is
quite proud of her new skill. And by herself, I mean 100%. She toasts
her english muffin, cuts her cheese, microwaves her egg etc and then
cleans everything up. She practically beams as she cooks and has made
her own breakfast or lunch several times this week. She has been
counting down the days to her birthday and birthday party. This week we
planned out what we wanted to do and she made and delivered her
invitations. She asks every day if it is time to decorate for her
Really there is no big news this week. It has been one of those weeks
where everything just hums along and makes you so grateful for
normalcy. Allison had her first basketball games this Saturday. She
has never played basketball before and it has been a big learning
curve. But it is fun to see her so excited and trying to listen to her
coach and do what she says. (We haven't had that experience before with
sports and kids :) ). Jeremy's new lens arrived this week so he was
enjoying breaking it out for the game. Spencer who has taken to wearing
his camera at all times following in his footsteps. At times a little
too literally but Jeremy tries to grin and enjoy it. Spencer had a
library class for tweens that he goes to twice a month and learned how
to make poi balls. Throw in piano lessons, guitar lessons, dance
classes, volunteer stuff, and catching up on errands and the week is full. I picked out a frame
this week for a sketch of my sister's that I bought and got a bunch of
books on hold at the library that I was waiting for. So really nothing
big but at the same time weeks like this make me so grateful for the
little things we have. I did sign up yesterday for my second tri for
the year that will be at the end of August. I am a little nervous about
it as it will be a challenge as its Olympic length and its open water.
But it will be good to push myself to try something new. And as
promised last week here are some Christmas photos.
Love, Heather
We are so mean, our kids sit at the top of the stairs while we get Taylor ready, anxious to run down. |
Robyn really wanted pink yarn - don't ask me why |
Allison and Robyn reading the letter Santa wrote back to answer their questions |
Robyn could not stop dancing with happiness that morning |
Spencer and his lizard gear. |
normalcy is good, but I would say I did enjoy the break from reality :) And your reality sounds incredibly busy - I'm still impressed at your ability to get it all done and even think to sign up for things like triathlons. That's awesome.
I love the Christmas pictures... but that's it? Really? I think you are holding back :) Come on, hook a sister up.
By the way, I never said this, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new couch. What a treat!
And, Dan has always made fun of me for this - but you know how you bang pots on New Years Eve? We do it too! I knew I was in good company. :) I'll just tell your brother he's missing out :)
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