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Sunday, February 1, 2015


True love is your husband spending his lunch hour running up to SLC to buy you cheesecake on your birthday.  True love is your husband getting up early and getting kids ready for school solo and bringing you breakfast in bed so you can sleep in till 7:20 ON A SCHOOL DAY!  My birthday was awesome.  I ended up having to work a bit extra but it was also a neat experience because I went into it thinking it would be hard and kids were great, and it was fun to teach part of the class while the teacher was gone for training that day.  Awesome friends dropped by or sent messages, Jeremy picked up pizza for dinner and we all got to go to the BYU men's volleyball game that night.  Round it off with Spencer staying up with me to watch Lincoln and it was a super full, and fun day.

This week was New Beginnings for young women.  I am amazed at the work and effort these women put into these events.  They had the whole gym set up like a cruise ship, complete with gangplank and red carpet and life size palm trees.  I spent Wednesday evening cooking cupcakes and Thursday evening setting up and enjoying the event with Allison and Jeremy.  It made for a late night for everyone.  Robyn babysat Taylor for us and did a great job although she scared me by saying she got Taylor out of his chair and into his beanbag so he would be more comfortable.

Allison has had a busy week.  On Monday she stayed after school working on her presentation and then at night went to a space science fair.  Then she had a competition for a club she is in at BYU all day Tuesday.  She and her friend got a silver on their project which means she goes up to state in March.  This involves staying two night in a hotel up there, so she is very excited about that.  Thursday she had an allergic reaction to Macho as she was getting ready for school.  She missed her carpool as she tried to get her eyes to calm down so I drove her to school a little later.  Red eyes, in glasses because she couldn't get her contacts in, puffy face, hives, and tears that made everything worse because she didn't want to go to school looking so horrible.  It was an emotional mess.  Finally after stopping at Walgreens for benadryl, she agreed to go home and sleep it off.  Girls - the drama is totally different than with boys.  Luckily after a day of Benadryl she was fine.  Saturday she went to an engineering fair at BYU with a friend and enjoyed all the nerdy booths and displays.

And on Saturday afternoon I got to take some of our Beehives to our Junior High Play of Bye-Bye Birdie.

Spencer is still plugging away at school, driving and volleyball.  He has been driving us to and from the office every Saturday and then whenever Jeremy will take him out.  Sitting in the back seat while he drives our entire family in the van is like riding a roller coaster.  You are pretty sure everything will be fine but there is a sinking feeling in the bottom of your stomach that at any moment things could go horribly wrong.  We got to go volleyball shoe shopping Saturday.

Jasper continues to entertain our whole family...and poop in our bedroom - what is up with that?!!  This week he learned to chase the chickens up into their coop, and then go hang with them in their laying boxes.  The chickens were not fans.

Last night and today was our Stake Conference.  And it was our traditional Super Bowl Sunday with Jason's family.  He does all these different types of wings and we do the rest.  Good thing this is only once a year.

I am ready to slow things down a bit this week!  And sugar free January is no more!