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Monday, February 11, 2008

Out with the old, In with the New

Well, it finally happened. I finally was tired enough of the standard blogger design that I put something together unique for our site. This new design is actually based on a template, rather than starting from scratch, but I adapted it to work on Blogger and personalized it a bit. Hope you like it.

I haven't had many photos to post lately, primarily because I have been going through all my old photos (starting with last year) and compiling, culling and cataloging them all. It is a long and arduous process. Once it is all done, though, I hope to have a nice repository of photos that Heather can easily search through for those she would like to post, scrapbook, etc.

From the blogs it sounds like everyone is doing well. I sure have enjoyed the more frequent posting everyone is doing on their individual blogs.


The Skeehan Family said...

Show off!!! Your new blog is wickedly cool :)