Dear Family and Friends,
Last week my sister-in-law Mimi asked if we were doing anything special this week with school getting out. I replied that we really weren't planning to do anything. I laugh now at that statement. Despite our efforts life always keeps us busy and usually its a good thing.
The weather continues to amaze me. We woke up Monday to 3 inches of snow! Our kids dug out boots and snow gear to go to school. On Tuesday I was mowing and fertilizing the lawn in shorts! Our plants all look like they are in shock.
Monday we spent the morning at the pediatrician and radiology. Taylor's ankle and foot did not have anything broken. The x-rays just showed lots of inflammation which we already knew. By Wednesday, Taylor would periodically touch his toe to the floor and now he will stand and walk/hop for us. So life is getting better for him. The not walking just reminded me to be grateful of the skills he does have. I cannot imagine hefting him constantly for the rest of his life. On Thursday we all left at 7:30 a.m.! (I know that is not that early but for the first day out of school for Spencer and Allison, it seemed very, very early). We went up to the wheelchair shop to have Taylor's chair looked at. We are trying to figure out a way for Taylor to stay upright to help him do better at being alert, as well as helping his spinal issues, digestive, breathing etc. The adjustments put Taylor at a recline in his chair making his chair very awkward. It really isn't working for him as after the first day he realized he could slouch even more. So we are talking to them this week about readjusting everything again.To make up for the early morning and patience of our kids, we did jobs and then headed off for the first day at the pool. With school for most people still in session we pretty much had it to ourself. Robyn is learning how to swim the old fashioned way with her having to make her way to and from siblings and either swim or go under. It makes me have flashbacks of teaching my sister the same way.
Spencer and Allison had their last day of school Wednesday. The last day only lasts for 2 hours. Just enough to get sugared up on parties and say good-bye. Spencer had breakfast and Allison had pizza and they were both sad/happy for the occasion. To celebrate the last day we decided to all bike to their master piano class that afternoon (once a semester their teacher does a group lesson and now the two of them are in the same group). Between getting the trailer set up and biking to piano, then biking back home and repeating to pick them up - I felt whipped. Robyn and Taylor must have felt the same way as they crashed in the trailer on the way home:
I decided I am not the most fun mom as Friday the kids and I spent the afternoon at the car dealership getting a recall repair taken care of. Jeremy asked if after 2 hours I was making sure they knew I was there waiting. I told him, that I was sure they couldn't forget we were there as we were camped out in front of them in their waiting area:
Friday night was cousin night where we ate pizza and ran around. Then we all headed to our neighbors to celebrate the last day of school with an ice cream party. We were wearing sweatshirts and huddled in blankets but everyone was too happy to sit and visit to leave and kids could care less as long as no one noticed how many times they went back for extra hot fudge. We had told our kids before hand that they only got one serving. So Allison got her ice cream and toppings, ate all the toppings off with a LITTLE bit of ice cream and then went back for seconds, and thirds, and fourths on the topping part. Talk about the letter of the law versus the spirit!
Saturday was a Jeremy is great day. He parented solo while I ran, put together a site for my sister, helped a lady move, fixed our sprinklers and the gate, took me to the temple, taipan trading for some new plates and then out to my favorite Mexican restaurant. What a guy. They used his video for the school assembly Monday and everyone loved it. He did get to go do one photo thing this week but the majority of his evenings are church, helping out my sister and a neighbor with their web sites or taking care of family. After a day of non-stop meetings plus taking over the Primary with the Elder's Quorum so the sisters could attend a Relief Society visiting teaching conference, Jeremy enjoyed a few minutes of down time. Till someone from the church called a few minutes later...Macho was not amused.Jeremy has been trying to get into concert photography through a local radio station. This week they finally called with concerts like Tim Mcgraw on the table. Unfortunately the two big concerts they were offering are when we are in Arizona and California! Plus someone offered him for the June weekend to get a press pass to a UFC event. He is such a good guy that he turned them both down but it was with a little pain and wincing. For some reason family events and big photography events always seem to coincide and he always puts family first.
Spencer and Allison got their new glasses this week. Spencer was just in shock at how "cartoony" everything looked - meaning it was no longer fuzzy. The tolerance of that guy with bad vision just boggles my mind.
Running is still going. I was able to do 12 miles Saturday, have a toe nail that is black and my first contact rash on my arm from a seam in my shirt - starting to feel more like a true runner. But the best part for me was that I didn't feel ready to die at the end. I learned this week that I can't wear head phones for the race which gave me some panic. Running and just listening to my own panting does not sound very motivating. You would think I would be in such great shape but real life and chocolate is just too appealing most of the time.
Love to you all and I hope that someone, somewhere is my family will be enjoying our traditional day at the beach. We are hoping to make it to the pool tomorrow if the storm clear.
Allison had been busy moving toys over to Robyn's room. She wants to "re-arrange" her room tomorrow and is busy making plans.
Spencer has spent the week re-reading all the Calvin and Hobbes books in order:
Sunday, May 30, 2010
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seriously? SERIOUSLY??? Tim Mcgraw?!?! Coley's wedding isn't that important ;) I'm so sorry we are killing that opportunity for Jeremy. All kidding aside, we are so lucky to have you both coming, I cannot wait.
I haven't told Claire yet because I know the incessant "when are they getting here?" will commence because she'll be so excited. I'll probably tell her Wednesday, AFTER happy nappy, right before we head to the airport :)
And Heather, I am so sorry I jinxed your week, man I should learn to keep my mouth shut! And I have to add, you look a little chilly in the pool!
oh and by the way, in the previous post with Robyn's graduation, I got a little glimpse of what she is going to look like as a teenager or young lady :) Lock the doors now guys.
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